The Beam Trust School Improvement Team (SIT) is made up of four serving teachers and a Primary Adviser. We also draw upon the expertise and strengths within our schools. Our team keep up to date with new and relevant educational research and always share subject and teaching and learning updates. We take a collaborative approach to all our work and very much and work alongside staff with a coaching and supportive approach.
The School Improvement Team (SIT)
The School Improvement Team is led by our School Improvement Adviser, Jane Rooney. Jane is a serving Headteacher and has over 30 years primary teaching experience. She is an outward facing professional who maintains strong links with Warrington Local Authority as the Primary Link for Children's Mental Health as well as fulfilling the role of Chair of the Warrington Association of Primary Heads. She is also a Headteacher mentor for The Chancery Trust. Her role within The Beam Trust is to lead a team of professionals to implement appropriate support and training to achieve the sustained improvement of all four schools.
School Improvement Offer
All schools within our Trust are actively involved in our School Improvement Offer, this is obviously free of charge. However, schools outside The Beam Trust are able to buy into any of our offers, as an SLA. We have really enjoyed working with schools within and outside our Trust. We can provide the following:
EYFS Audits
Our EYFS audits have had a substantial impact on our work, ensuring that our youngest children are given the best possible start. These are usually undertaken by two people with detailed written and verbal feedback. These can then have a follow up after an agreed period of time.
Subject Specific Subject Review – Full Day
Working alongside subject leaders to complete a full review of curriculum: the Intent, Implementation and Impact. Including a full learning walk, curriculum and documentation review, completing pupil and staff voice and work monitoring. Verbal feedback to SLT and written review with agreed setting of targets.
Follow up visit from Subject Review – ½ day
Either a review of the actions set from initial subject review or coming to work with subject leads on some of the targets set in the subject review.
Monitoring – ½ day or full day visit
A member of the School Improvement Team will come and work alongside subject leaders to monitor their subject – we have developed a structure that can sit alongside your current monitoring schedule and proformas.
Personal Development Review
A review of the School’s Personal Development offer based on the OFSTED framework. Reviewing alongside leaders, pupil voice and curriculum review. Feedback to SLT and written report.
‘New to subject leadership’ support – ½ day per subject
Working alongside subject leaders to outline main roles and responsibility, discussion around how to approach leading their subject and sharing of any relevant research.
Staff meetings or twilights
Some of the areas of training include:-
Adaptive Teaching
Retrieval Practice
Maths Training
SENDCo Training
SEND training
Subject Leadership
Visible Learning and Expert Teaching
Please contact us if you have other areas of CPD that we might be able to help with or if you would like a place on any of The Beam Trust’s CPD
In terms of personal development, we are very fortunate to have a bespoke team of coaches available for all members of staff to access. Coaching is unique and personal to the individual. Our Trust Coaches are well trained and value making the time to support you in unlocking and fulfilling your own true potential. Coaches don’t have the answers - they facilitate your thinking and help translate your reflective insights into actions which ultimately have a positive impact for you. We usually plan for 6 coaching sessions which are held in the day time and off site. These sessions really do give you time, patience, guidance and support to help you find a way through. Please contact us for further information.
Additional Services
We are also able to provide School Improvement Partner work and Headteacher Appraisal.
We can amend any of the above offers to suit individual school needs. The cost of them therefore will vary according to your needs. These can be entered into at any point in the year. Please contact us for further information.
Please contact Victoria Eeles by email to discuss your requirements.
You can find out more about The Beam Trust by visiting our website

Name: Mrs Rooney
Role: School Improvement Adviser

Name: Mrs Houda
Role: School Improvement

Name: Mrs Green
Role: School Improvement
Name: Mrs Forrest
Role: School Improvement

Name: Mrs Thompson
Role: School Improvement